Paul Crouse's 'Singing Around the Table' pix
Christmassy Things
Christmas Sing Songs
Celtsittolke samples online
Tomoko goes to Ireland
Singing Around the Table's fiddle player Tomoko is off to Ireland tomorrow, a dream come true for her as she has been planning the trip for several years. Now it is all the more poignant a trip as Tomoko has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Tomoko is 26 and her doctors haven't seen such a young case of breast cancer before. As she has been caught early they are hopeful for her. If you can read Japanese (or use on-line translators such as Babelfish) you can follow her trip to Ireland, her music and her breast cancer story on her blog here. She wants to write about it to encourage other women to be open and aware, and get checked regularly, especially as soon as they, or their partner, notice anything unusual in a breast. The blog shows how she carries on with her teaching and performing schedule alongside her hospital visits, and her thoughts as she goes. She has three tumors and will have an operation in Kyoto when she gets back from Ireland. So, here's wishing her a really wonderful trip with plenty of great music, new friends, and lots of love from us all in Kyoto on her journey.
Kazuo Ishiguro on British Folk Music
At the 2003 BBC Folk Awards, the British-based Japanese writer Kazuo Ishiguro said...
"The way I see it is like this… There is this kind of treasure chest you have sitting in front of you, and if you were American or perhaps Irish you might have opened it by now, but because you live here it probably hasn’t occurred to you to do so yet. Well, I would urge you to open that thing up and delve inside it, because I believe you’ll find there a sublime vision of life in the British Isles as it has been lived over the last few centuries; and it’s the kind of vision that you can’t readily get from the works of say, Dickens or Shakespeare or Elgar or Sir Christopher Wren. If you don’t open that treasure box I think you are going to miss a certain dimension, a whole dimension of cultural life in this country so I urge you to do it."
Celtic Song Workshop at Field
ケルティック・ソング・ワークショップ by レズリー・デニストン
2010年7月23日 金曜日 7:00p.m.~8:30p.m. by Leslie Denniston at Kyoto Field Irish PUB
●これまで、アイルランドのダンス音楽や楽器に関しては各地で様々な講座が開かれてきましたが、歌の講座は関西一円でもほとんどありませんでした。そこで、今回初の試み!USJや各種イベント、国際交流舞台等に出演し、演奏活動を続けているレズリー・デニストンが、アイルランドやスコットランドの歌を、その歌の歴史や背景の解説も交えながら紹介し、皆さんにも数曲体験していただきます。また、レズリーはバウロンとボーンズの奏者でもあります。ご興味のある方はどうぞ! 受講料¥1,700(会場費、教材費込み) メモ用紙、筆記用具。参加ご希望の方は事前にメールでご連絡下さい。fieldまで直接。
Youtube videos
Samurai Celt Mine & Felicity
- Bertaeyn
- Mouth Music
- Johnny be Fair
Felicity & Tomoko @ Singing Around the Table
- Suil a Ruin
- Shiretoko Ryoujo
- Do You Love an Apple
- Instrumental
- JJ Dancing
Pat O'Connor
予約・問い合わせは simasima.sea@
MINE 6/19
日時:2010/6/19(Sat) Start 19:30
Charge; 前売り:2000yen / 当日:2500yen
〒605-0084 京都府京都市東山区八坂新地清本町370
歌姫 :Felicity Greenland
踊り子 :erica
Singing Around the Table Review/Videos
Events May-Dec 2010
2010/11/28 (Sun) Kyoto at Irish Pub Gnome, Singing Around the Table うたごえ喫茶 7.30pm- (free)
2010/11/26 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Atsushi Akazawa, Atsuko Kasamura, Jay Gregg, Jake Costello and Felicity Greenland. 8.30pm free
2010/11/4 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Atsushi Akazawa, Atsuko Kasamura, Jay Gregg and Felicity Greenland. 8.30pm free
2010/10/31 (Sun) Kyoto at Irish Pub Gnome, Singing Around the Table うたごえ喫茶 7.30pm- (free) with special guest 赤沢 Atsushi Akazawa
2010/10/29 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Akazawa, Atsuko, Jay and Felicity. 8.30pm free
2010/10/03 (Sun) Kyoto at Irish Pub Gnome, Singing Around the Table うたごえ喫茶 7.30pm- (free)
2010/8/01 (Sun) Kyoto at Irish Pub Gnome, Singing Around the Table うたごえ喫茶 7.30pm- (free)
2010/7/31 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Robata-in/Gion Jeans opening party. Akazawa, Jay, Jake, Peter Damashek and Felicity. 7pm
2010/7/30 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Akazawa, Atsuko, Jay, Jake and Felicity. 8.30pm free
2010/7/09 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Akazawa, Atsuko, Jay, Jake and Felicity. 8.30pm free
2010/7/02 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Akazawa, Atsuko, Jay and Felicity. 8.30pm free
2010/6/25 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Akazawa, Atsuko, Jay and Felicity. 8.30pm free
2010/6/27 (Sun) Kyoto at Irish Pub Gnome, Singing Around the Table うたごえ喫茶 7.30pm- (free)
2010/6/19 Kyoto, Gion, Pick Up. Samurai Celt Mine 日時:2010/6/19(Sat) Start 19:30 Charge; 前売り:2000yen / 当日:2500yen 場所:DINING BAR & LIVE Pick Up 〒605-0084 京都府京都市東山区八坂新地清本町370 (祇園富永町切通し上がる東側) TEL:075-525-0595 http://www.gion-pickup.com/
歌姫 :Felicity Greenland
踊り子 :erica
今回なんと歌姫と踊り子をいれた総勢6人でのコラボだ! こぞって御越し下さい!
2010/6/5 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Akazawa, Atsuko, Jay and Felicity. 8.30pm free
2010/5/30 (Sun) Kyoto at Nega-Posi Field Irish Music Club 10th Anniversary Concert. Doors 5pm, 6pm start. Tickets from Field and Nega-Posi Y2,000 (advance), Y2,300 on the day. Artists include: MINE、Shanachie & Bucho、Drakskip、鞴座、功刀Band、Yamamoto Asshi、Felicity Greenland、Glenfields、Usquebaughne、Ninjin Fiddle 隊、Happy Monday、Flukesta、Kumamo、Oldfield.
Fieldアイ研10周年記念コンサート Nega-Posi で:MINE、SHANACHIE&ぶちょー、Drakskip、鞴座、功刀バンド、山本あっしー、Felicity Greenland、グレンフィールズ、Usquebaughne、にんじんフィドル隊、Happy Monday、フルケスタ、くまも、oldfield. 2000円前売(予約)2300円本日 17:00 open 18:00 start.
2010/5/28 (Fri) Kyoto, Gion, Gael. Akazawa, Atsuko, Jay and Felicity. 8.30pm free
"Culture Through Music & Song" University Course
Because of my personal enthusiasms I wanted to run a course at my university linking music and song to EFL. I started a course called Culture Through Music and Song and gathered lots of information that I looked forward to passing on - history, geography, lots of musical information especially focussed on my own interests in traditional and 60s music.
I have been running it for two years now, and pretty quickly I realised that it was unfair to expect Japanese students 18-20 years old to share my personal enthusiasms for rather niche aspects of British/American music. Whenever I asked them to make presentations of their own they always went for very mainstream contemporary pop artists and of course rather more modern than my own passions. I supported them but I felt it was a bit off my main beam. I soon knew I had to change my expectations. It was well intended, but retrospectively I guess it was a bit idealistic if not selfish of me. Part of this is due to the generation gap of course (I'm the same age as their mothers), but another part comes down to the history of cultural transfer.
After Visitors
Arthur & Stewart - April 2010
Spring is in the air and some great musicians from England are visiting Japan. They have just completed a tour organised by Tokyo Fiddle Club and now they'll play three pub gigs...DAVE ARTHUR & DAN STEWART BAND...Don't miss DAVE ARTHUR (pictured) on 5 string banjo, melodeon/concertina, and vocals & DAN STEWART on 5-string banjo, guitar and vocals. In their BAND they sing and play excellent Appalachian, Oldtime, Bluegrass, Irish and English music.
Catch them at...
Gnome Irish Pub (Nijo Kawaramachi sagaru), Weds April 7th 8-11pm
Field Irish Pub (Karasuma Nishiki-market Higashi-iru) Thurs April 8th 8-10.30pm
Molly Malone's, Hiroshima, Friday April 9th.
These events are free, and all these pubs serve good food.
Singing Around the Table X
7.30-10.30pm. Free.
Venue: Irish Pub GNOME , Nijo Kawaramachi sagaru. 075-212-2101 MAP
Informal Sing-song. Well known English, Irish, Scottish and American songs (with song sheets). Accompanied by Felicity Greenland on guitar, Yuko Shirasaka on melodeon and Tatsuya Shirasaka on double bass. (Tomoko Saito is away this month).
テーブルで歌おう (英語歌声喫茶)
3月 28日(日)7.30-10.00. 無料
アイリッシュパブ ノーム 、二条河原町下がる, 075-212-2101 MAP
アイルランド・スコットランドやイギリス地方の美しい伝統歌をみんなで歌いま。音楽 Felicity Greenland&白坂さん.
(S.A.T.T. was also held in January and February)