
May 25th 10th Anniversary of Singing Around the Table

The next meeting of Kyoto Ukulele Club/Singing Around the Table/Kansai Shanty Crew will be on Saturday May 25th.

Singing Around the Table was first held on May 31st 2009 at Gnome so this next meeting will be the 10th Anniversary of our founding.

...sing some of the old favourites from our 10 year repertoire 
...welcome back some old members and very special guests. 
...see photos of ten years of the club on screen throughout the evening. 
...wear fancy dress or hats etc. in celebration (optional of course).

Location: Irish Pub Gnome, just south of Kawaramachi-Nijo (on the west side). 
Time: Gather from 6pm. Music 7-11pm with a break in the middle.
Free: Entrance is free. Please show appreciation to our hosts at Gnome by ordering food and drinks from the bar.

Hope to see you there!