
Singing Around the Table VII


Dec 20th 2009: A special event of the monthly come-all-ye sing-song at Gnome featuring Christmas songs as well as the usual well known songs of Britain, Ireland and America.
Free (with song sheets as usual) 7.30-10.30pm.
Really great food (try fish and chips, vegetable gratin, pizza, beautiful sausages, or kippers with oatmeal) and drinks (alcohol or not) available.
Map and comments from Deep Kyoto here.
Please come and sing or just eat, drink chat and enjoy yourself.

If you can't come let us wish you now, a very...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Please join us for more in January 2010 (when we will add some songs from the Aussies).


Irish Music Camp with Field Club

August 29-30 2009, near Kyoto: contact field82@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp
fieldアイ研 洲崎一彦: field82@mbox.kyoto-inet.or.jp
fieldアイルランド音楽研究会 ml-fieldaiken@39n.jp


フェリシティー・グリーンランド ライブ!
Felicity Greenland Live

日時:7月19日(日) 20:00~
出演:フェリシティー・グリーンランド/Felicity Greenland (Vo.Gui.bodhran etc.)
潟山健一/Kenichi Gatayama (concertina)


Felicity Greenland
イ ングランド出身 音楽に恵まれた家庭環境に育ち、ロンドンのパブで繰り広げられる伝統的なアイルランド音楽シーンでは、欠くことのできない人物の一人。活 動の傍らロンドンにある『English Folk Dance&Song Society』で12年間仕事に携わり後に来日する。時にアカペラで静謐に、時にバウロンやギターを携えパワフルに歌いあげる歌は人を引きつけてやまな い。評して『Sweet&strong』歌のレパートリーはソロやコーラスにかかわらずイングランド、スコットランド、アイルランド、フランスの ブレトン地方の歌、また、ゲール語のmouth musicやアイルランドの流浪の人達(ジプシー)から習ったコミカルな歌まで多岐に渡る。これまでにイギリス、アイルランド、フランス、日本等のアー ティストと共演、レコーディングに参加している。

鹿 児島県生まれ。広島大学大学院社会科学研究科国際社会論専攻イギリス地域研究講座博士後期課程単位取得退学。広島文教女子大学短期大学部英文学科専任講師 を経て、1996年より同志社女子大学。現在、現代社会学部助教授。学生時代、講義で扱われた和辻哲郎氏の『風土』に啓発されて、風土と民衆文化に関心を 抱き、イギリスの民衆音楽に関する研究を始める。目下の研究対象地域は、南イングランドのサセックス。


PAT O’CONNOR @ The Gael June 12th Friday

Special Irish Music Live @ The Gael June 12th Friday Start 20:30 No cover charge. Fiddle player Pat O'Connor comes from Ennis in County Clare and has been playing music all his life. As a child he studied Piano-accordion, banjo, mandolin, and bouzouki, before finally settling on the fiddle as his weapon of choice. Pat settled in Feakle several years ago and soon established the annual Feakle Music Festival. He has two acclaimed solo CDs "The Green Mountain" and "The Humours of Derrybeha". Pat’s music has the moderate pace and easy flow associated with County Clare. Home-grown, "pure drop" traditional music. Don't miss it!! See you @ the Gael ! Shiori Jackson, The Gael


Singing Around the Table 歌声喫茶

NEXT Singing Around the Table: Sat. 2nd March 2013 
次の Singing Around the Table 歌声喫茶: 2013年3月2日(土)
Singing Around the Table 歌声喫茶について
イギリス地方の美しい伝統歌をみんなで歌います. 無料ワークショップ。アイルランド・スコットランドなどのケルト地方やイギリス地方の美しい伝統歌をみんなで歌います。美味しく飲んだり食べたりしながら、ファシリテーターの指導で楽しく歌ってみましょう♪ 時間:20:00−22:00 場所:Irish (アイリッシュ) Pub (パブ) GNOME (ノーム) ◆京都府京都市中京区河原町二条下ル SSSビルB1F ◆ TEL 075-212-2101 ◆地下鉄東西線市役所前下車16番出口から北へ徒歩2分 ◆京阪三条より徒歩12分 ◆市バス市役所前下車すぐ

About 'Singing Around the Table Utagoe Kissa' 
Informal evenings of well known songs of the English speaking world and Japan.
All welcome! Free! Song sheets provided! 8-10pm.
VENUE: GNOME , Basement, SSS Bldg., Nijo Kawaramachi sagaru,Nakagyou-ku, Kyoto. TEL 075-212-2101

VIDEOS: Suil a Ruin / Shiretoko Ryojou / Do You Love an Apple / Instrumental / JJ Dancing
Videos by Michael of Deep Kyoto and Yoshizo san, thanks guys!


Our first 'Singing Around the Table'

"Thank you very much last night. I was so glad to held such a wark shop! It is our dream that the foreigner and the Japanese enjoy music and participation together at our pub. We want to hold the workshop continuously" Yuko-san (Mrs Gnome)
The first 'Singing Around the Table' event was kind of a dream come true for me and, as it turns out, for the hosts at Irish Pub Gnome - to have Japanese and foreigners all singing together. So many guests said they really enjoyed it too, that we are planning to do it again in about a month's time and so on monthly.
On our first night, 31st May 2009, 25-30 people gathered at Gnome, about two-thirds Japanese and the rest not (ex-pats from US, Tasmania, China, UK, Canada...). We drank beer, ate fish'n'chips, pie, sausages or kippers(!), and worked our way through 12 songs in a booklet I had made in the style of the old black letter/broadside ballads (the layout is tall and thin with a picture or photo at the top). I suddenly became a bit nervous that it was not enough songs, but, what with a little explanation and a short break, those 12 songs took nearly three hours, so we were singing from 7.30 until about 10.30pm, which was late enough being a Sunday. By the end I had a strong feeling that everyone was buzzing and wanted to come back for more.
It's hard to explain without sounding crass, but really, it's a very special and bonding thing to sing together - everyone has had hard times with themselves and eachother, but when you sing together all troubles melt away. Plus, there were a few people who came who are really studying hard at English, or guitar, fiddle or bodhran playing, and want to have a chance to make their studies real. This kind of event really works for them - some of them might play with us in the future and so their efforts have now become very real for them.
Let's do more - please come and tell your mates about it even if you can't come yourself. Kyoto is the origin and hub of Irish music in Japan - with your energetic contribution it could also become the origin and hub of the English, Irish, Scottish and Welsh singalong too!
We are very open to suggestions and contributions - the more the merrier - so just get in touch or turn up with your ideas! It's our dream to make it happen! Ganbarrou!
and we received a few nice e-mails...
Just want to say thanks so much for the other night--what fun it was! I love your singing, and the mood was so relaxed and so intimate---really a good evening! THANKS! KK
I had great time last night.thank you! 楽しかったです。今は、勉強が忙しいけど、また時間があったら、あのパブにも行きます。MM
We both had a great time...thanks for a great evening! I think my favorite song was Dirty Old Man - er I mean Town.... (!) and Danny Boy never fails to send a sentimental glimmer to my eye. It was really nice that everyone sang along eh? LL
Thank you for your Happy songs. I was very fun ! and Thank you for `The Rattlin' Bog`この歌を歌うFelicityは,いつもすごくかっこいいです。結婚出来ない女の人の歌も、またいつか 歌ってて下さい。Next time I want to come with my boss, he also loves music, and plays guitar. I study English more more more. NS


Singing Around the Table I

A fun evening of Traditional Songs of Ireland and Britain
with Felicity Greenland & Tomoko Saito さいとうともこ
2009年 5月31日 (日) 19.30-21.30 at GNOME (ノーム)、 Kyoto.
No Charge! Everyone welcome! Song sheet available. Preview some of the songs here 歌のプレビュー.


場所:Irish (アイリッシュ) Pub (パブ) GNOME (ノーム) ◆京都府京都市中京区河原町二条下ル SSSビルB1F ◆ TEL 075-212-2101 ◆地下鉄東西線市役所前下車16番出口から北へ徒歩2分 ◆京阪三条より徒歩12分 ◆市バス市役所前下車すぐ


Kokusekiji nearly bare man scramble

Here I think may be a Japanese equivalent of the Haxey Hood
In this Japanese New Year celebration a hemp bag containing a lucky talisman is thrown into the crowd of 110 men (in scanty costume you may notice) and they have to try to get it somewhere. The festival takes place on variable dates - in 2009 it started on Sunday 1st Feb at 10pm when they took a ritual bath, and lasted until Monday 2nd Feb (the bag was thrown at 5am). I'm afraid I haven't yet ascertained what they did while they were waiting for it. These photos contain the bag I suppose, but if you can find it I'll eat my hat. I have tried the spot-the-ball-method but it scans like a bucket o'whelks.