
Singing Around the Table in May 歌声5月26日

The next Singing Around the Table is Sat. May 26th 8-10pm. Everyone welcome! Come all ye - singers, warblers, instruments (all levels), listeners andiners次は月26日(土)8−10になります。宜しくお願いします。楽器もようこそ!この間来た人たちにありがとうございました。茶摘みこいのぼりはすごい楽しかった。
Thanks to all those who came to Singing Around the Table in April! We had two new singers and a great time singing seasonal Japanese songs - Cha-tsumi (tea-picking song) and two versions of Koinobori (flying carp streamers!) – as well as a selection from the regular repertoire along with guitar, wood-bass, flute and recorder. Aoki-san stayed on and played guitar for an impromptu session of Japanese folk revival songs – Takaishi Tomoya and so on - so in the end we all went home way past our bedtimesMap to Gnome (South West side of Kawaramachi Nijo, Kyoto) here: 地図
Image: Lambert Doomer, c.1622/23-1700. "An Interior with Peasants singing and dancing around a Table", 1681. 

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