
Christmas Sing 2014

CHRISTMAS SING: Next Mon, 22nd Dec. 18.00 (for 19.00)-22:00 at Gnome, on Kawaramachi St., just South of Nijo St.

This is a Monday but the next day is a national holiday. 

We'll do caroling and other songs, all with/without ukulele as you like. 

All instruments, newcomers, new songs, Christmas outfits welcome!!! 

Song/chord sheets provided.

Free - but please support the pub by buying drinks and food from their marvelous menu!


Ukulele and SInging in November

次回は11月29日 土 6 時ー10時
Next Kyoto Ukulele Club and Singing Around the Table is Sat. Nov 29th 6-10pm
Please do come even if you want to sing and not play ukulele.
We'll sing some Christmas and other songs too.
Hope to see you there!


Kyoto Ukulele Club and Singing Around the Table Oct, Nov.

次回は10月25日 土, 11月29日 土

The next dates are (6pm-10pm at Gnome as usual) 
Sat. Oct 25 and Sat. Nov 29 

Dec 27 is a possible, watch this space.
Jack'o'Lantern uke by Singer


Our Ukulele Club Summer dates

David Bowie in ‘The Same Old Kyoto’ by Masayoshi Sukita, 1980
予定変更の場合は、 連絡しますとFBでお知らせしますので、直前に確認してからお越し下さい。

Hi all! Just a quick note of the next few Ukulele Club dates (all Saturdays, all 6pm-10pm at Gnome as usual): August 2, August 23, September 27, October 25.
*The schedule may be subject to change. If it changes we will email you. Or please stay tuned on our Facebook page.


Kyoto Singing Around the Table & New Ukulele Club Sat. June 28th

A jolly reminder to all our members, would-be members and passers by to come do that fabulous ukulele thing at Gnome on Saturday from 6-10pm! Drop in! Tune up! Sing out! 

The next Kyoto Singing Around the Table and New Ukulele Club will be on Saturday June 28th 6-10pm at GnomeAll welcome! We're a friendly, international bunch, glad to welcome visitors and anyone who has never played before. We can lend you a ukulele, so just drop in! Other instruments welcome too! (Last time we had a harmonica, wood bass, piano accordion, recorder and guitars.)   次の歌声・ウクレレクラブの日程は6月28日(土)6時−10時になります。無料です!よろしくお願いします 地図


Kyoto Singing Around the Table & New Ukulele Club Sat. May 24th

The next Kyoto Singing Around the Table and New Ukulele Club will be at Gnome on Saturday May 24th 6-10pm. All welcome! We're a friendly, international bunch, glad to welcome visitors and anyone who has never played before. We can lend you a ukulele, so just drop in! (Other instruments welcome too!)   次の歌声・ウクレレクラブの日程は5月24日(土)6時−10時になります。無料です!よろしくお願いします 地図


New Ukulele Club/Singing Around the Table Saturday March 22nd!

Next New Ukulele Club/Singing Around the Table is Saturday March 22nd! That's a little late for St Patrick's Day but we'll celebrate it with an Irish song or two. 

Photo: Street Gardening Trolley, Osaka, 2013


New Ukulele Club/Singing Around the Table Sunday March 2nd!

Next New Ukulele Club/Singing Around the Table is Sunday March 2nd! That's the day after St David's Day so we'll celebrate with some Welsh songs, daffodils and leeks!

St. David's Day 1963Abermorlais Junior School, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales 
Photo Courtesy Rita Williams

2014年3月2日 ( 日)
集合時刻:ウクレレクラブ:18:00から20.00まで。歌声:20.00 から22.00まで。 

Date: Sunday 2nd March 2014
Place: Irish Pub Gnome  
Time: New Ukulele Club  6.00pm - 8pm.  Singing Around the Table 8pm-10.00pm
English/Japanese song sheets provided. (Free)


New Ukulele Club & Singing Around the Table …..Sat. Feb 1st 歌声2月1日 (土)

Image credit: Choc Edge 
Warm  up   your  VALENTINE  serenade s

2014年2月1日 ( 土)
集合時刻:ウクレレクラブ:18:00から20.00まで。歌声:20.00 から22.00まで。 

Date: Saturday 1st February 2014
Place: Irish Pub Gnome  
Time: New Ukulele Club  6.00pm - 8pm.  Singing Around the Table 8pm-10.00pm
English/Japanese song sheets provided. (Free)