
Kyoto Singing Around the Table & New Ukulele Club Sat. June 28th

A jolly reminder to all our members, would-be members and passers by to come do that fabulous ukulele thing at Gnome on Saturday from 6-10pm! Drop in! Tune up! Sing out! 

The next Kyoto Singing Around the Table and New Ukulele Club will be on Saturday June 28th 6-10pm at GnomeAll welcome! We're a friendly, international bunch, glad to welcome visitors and anyone who has never played before. We can lend you a ukulele, so just drop in! Other instruments welcome too! (Last time we had a harmonica, wood bass, piano accordion, recorder and guitars.)   次の歌声・ウクレレクラブの日程は6月28日(土)6時−10時になります。無料です!よろしくお願いします 地図

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