
5月歌声Singing Around the Table SAT. 28TH MAY

The next Singing Around the Table will be SATURDAY 28TH MAY 7-9PM at Gnome.

(Please note the time and day are different from usual.)

We'll try a new format -

just a few songs, some in English, some in Japanese, in a bit more depth; and no stage (to enable more musicians, hopefully, in future).

If you have an instrument you want to play please bring it.

If you have a song to bring, please do - please teach us.

HANZ ARAKI and JAY GREGG will play 9.30pm- so please plan to stay on if you can!

pic: FJGreenland (on flickr)

Charity Sale for Tohoku - Sat May 28

This information is from DEEP KYOTO's WEBSITE : 日本語はこちら

Bring & Buy
Second-hand… books, clothes, records, cds, toys, various household items and electrical goods (a dvd player, rice cooker etc...). Delicious Baked Goods!

Live music from theHuman Jukebox” ! 10:00 - 12:30 Kris Roche; 1:00 - 3:00 Max Dodds; 3:00 - 6:00 Felicity Greenland

Place: Akateletecobe Sovesahva (a one minute walk east of the Demachiyanagi Eizan line Station and right beside Falafel Garden )
Here is a google map: http://tinyurl.com/3r9scym
And here is a Deep Kyoto map: http://tinyurl.com/6539ajz

All proceeds go to IDRO JAPAN: International Disaster Relief Organization Japan. IDRO Japan is a Kyoto-based NPO that provides aid and assistance for immediate post-disaster relief and long-term support through relief trips and housing. IDRO Japan's efforts are concentrated on areas affected by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.


Celtsittolke CD Launch Ustream

Today we held the Celtsittolke CD launch concert at Sonic Hall in Sannomiya near Kobe. Seven bands with 2-4 songs/tunes each. Watch here. This Ustream will be available for one week.


Live Friday May 13th

Jay, Atsuko and Felicity will play at Gael Irish Pub , Kyoto on Friday 13th May from 8pm. It's free!

Live in Osaka May 15th 2011

MacFiddles will play in a concert with lots of other Kansai Irish bands to launch the Celtsittolke CD this weekend coming. For details click the links above.


Tail of Cat, Hand of Frog...猫のしっぽカエルの手

Recently I spent some time with some great guys from a TV production Co. to make part of Venetia Kajiyama's NHK TV programme 'Tail of Cat, Hand of Frog...' The theme this time is singing and music in everyday life. It had been vaguely planned for a while and, as the recent disaster left everyone (including us) depressed and in shock, we thought we'd better get on with it as soon as possible. We visited a monk in Ohara, an Irish session at Field, and went hiking in the hills. I also did a mega spring clean  in my house before the filming, and even a bit of dusting on camera, so I'm glad that has been done and recorded for posterity even though I have no idea how the programme will turn out. ...fingers crossed. The programme will initially be screened 3 times.
Vol.58 : 歌がつなぐ幸せ5月6日(金) BSプレミアム 午後7時30分から8時5月10日(火) BSプレミアム 午前8時から8時30分5月12日(木) BSプレミアム 午後3時から3時30分Programme 58: Singing in everyday lifeFriday May 6th 2011 BSPremium Hi-vision 7.30pm-8.00pmTuesday May 10th 2011 BSPremium Hi-vision 8am-8.30amThursday May 12th 2011 BSPremium Hi-vision 3pm-3.30pm
*This links to the correct programme, although the title on the video is not correct.