
Charity Sale for Tohoku - Sat May 28

This information is from DEEP KYOTO's WEBSITE : 日本語はこちら

Bring & Buy
Second-hand… books, clothes, records, cds, toys, various household items and electrical goods (a dvd player, rice cooker etc...). Delicious Baked Goods!

Live music from theHuman Jukebox” ! 10:00 - 12:30 Kris Roche; 1:00 - 3:00 Max Dodds; 3:00 - 6:00 Felicity Greenland

Place: Akateletecobe Sovesahva (a one minute walk east of the Demachiyanagi Eizan line Station and right beside Falafel Garden )
Here is a google map: http://tinyurl.com/3r9scym
And here is a Deep Kyoto map: http://tinyurl.com/6539ajz

All proceeds go to IDRO JAPAN: International Disaster Relief Organization Japan. IDRO Japan is a Kyoto-based NPO that provides aid and assistance for immediate post-disaster relief and long-term support through relief trips and housing. IDRO Japan's efforts are concentrated on areas affected by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.

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