
Kyoto International Carol Singing 2012

2012年12月24日 (月)今年もクリスマスキャロルを歌いましょう。
去年は一時間くらい歌ったあとに、すぐ近くにある、アイリッシュ・パブ・ノームへ行き、食べ物を食べたり、飲み物を飲んだりしました。誰でも、ご参加下さい。友達の人も誘ってください。 上のリンク

Let's go Carol Singing again this year on Monday 24th December 2012! Meet outside Kyoto City Hall (NW corner of Oike Kawaramachi) at 7.00-8.15pm. English/Japanese song sheets provided. It's very cold so wrap up warm (hat, gloves, muffler, antlers etc) !!! Last year we retired to nearby Irish Pub Gnome afterwards for food and drinks. All welcome. Above is a link to us singing Jingle Bells in English and Japanese last year!


Sean Whelan at Gnome 11/17

Sean Whelan Fingerstyle Guitarist from Ireland - workshop and live at Gnome 11/17 further details 

Seosaimhin Ni Bheaglaoich (Josephine Begley) at Gnome 11/11

Seosaimhin Ni Bheaglaoich (Josephine Begley) Irish song workshop and live on Nov 11 at Gnome, Kyoto further details
日時:11月11日(日) ※時間は下記に記載

料金: 大人2,500円 / 学生 2,000円※学生証をご提示下さい。


Singing Around the Table Oct 27 歌声 10月27日

次は10月27日(土) 8。00時―10。00時になります。宜しくお願いします。 歌も楽器も持って来たら良いです!場所:京都河原町二条アイリッシュパブ ノーム TEL 075-212-2101 
The next Singing Around the Table will be Saturday October 27th at Gnome、SW on Kawaramachi-Nijo, 8-10pm. We hope to see you there!

New Songs for October 10月の唄...

More songs and instruments welcome.

Sign up to our Facebook page 


Charity Flea Market for Tohoku 10月21日 ねこのてフリーマーケット

'Neko-no-te' flea market in Kyoto to raise money for Tohoku relief, with performances/talks including:
* Eric Johnston (Japan Times) to talk about the book 'Fresh Currents' and shifting from a nuclear past to a renewable future
* Folk, traditional and popular song artist Felicity Greenland
* 3 unlikely characters- Honami, Jen and Tokuda- one guitar, two vocalists
LOOKING FOR MORE! If you'd like to collaborate in some way, do contact us! 
Contact: ねこのて neconotekansai@gmail.com / Jennifer Teeter- 日本語/English / Tokuda Hiroyuki- 日本語 /  http://neco-no-te.blogspot.jp/ 

Further details: 日本語/英語:  http://neco-no-te.blogspot.jp/ 
Sunday, October 21 10am-4pm at Higashiyama Ikiki Shinimkatsudo Center 〒605-0018 Location: 5 minute walk from Sanjo Keihan Station.
10月21日 10時ー4時 京都市東山区花見小路通古門前上る巽町450番地 三条京阪から5分


Singing Around the Table in September 歌声9月29日

Hi! and welcome back after summer break! 
The next Singing Around the Table will be held on Sat. Sept. 29th 8-10pm at Irish Pub Gnome, Kyoto. Free! Everyone welcome! Come all ye - singers, warblers, instruments (all levels), listeners andiners



Singing Around the Table in July 歌声7月21日

Yes and I think on July 21st we might try to give voice to Goro Nakagawa's  We Shall Overcome 2012 (pictured) - a new Japanese version of the classic protest song, this time in response to the Fukushima disaster 3/2011 and the nuclear plant restart protests currently going on in Japan.


Singing Around the Table in June 歌声6月23日

The two Next Singing Around the Tables will be Saturday June 23rd and Saturday July 21st. ALL WELCOME. Please bring a song and/or instrument if you can. In June we'll try Shenandoah and Ringo no Uta.
Location: Gnome、SW on Kawaramachi-Nijo, 8-10pm. Map to Gnome here: 地図  
Hope to see you there! These pix are from the recent May sing-song...

次は6月23日と7月21日 になります。6月にはShenandoah と りんごの唄をやってみましょう。歌も楽器も持って来たら良いです!宜しくお願いします。
場所:京都河原町二条アイリッシュパブ ノーム TEL 075-212-2101 



Singing Around the Table in May 歌声5月26日

The next Singing Around the Table is Sat. May 26th 8-10pm. Everyone welcome! Come all ye - singers, warblers, instruments (all levels), listeners andiners次は月26日(土)8−10になります。宜しくお願いします。楽器もようこそ!この間来た人たちにありがとうございました。茶摘みこいのぼりはすごい楽しかった。
Thanks to all those who came to Singing Around the Table in April! We had two new singers and a great time singing seasonal Japanese songs - Cha-tsumi (tea-picking song) and two versions of Koinobori (flying carp streamers!) – as well as a selection from the regular repertoire along with guitar, wood-bass, flute and recorder. Aoki-san stayed on and played guitar for an impromptu session of Japanese folk revival songs – Takaishi Tomoya and so on - so in the end we all went home way past our bedtimesMap to Gnome (South West side of Kawaramachi Nijo, Kyoto) here: 地図
Image: Lambert Doomer, c.1622/23-1700. "An Interior with Peasants singing and dancing around a Table", 1681. 

IDRO JAPAN Golden Week Charity Sale for Tohoku

Help the great work of IDRO in Tohoku by buying cakes, books, clothes, CDs, household items, or a tune from the human jukebox BGM by Felicity, Max or Jen.

Saturday May 5th – 11:00 – 21:00 Sunday May 6th – 10:00 – 15:00
Location: Five minutes from Demachiyanagi Station in Room 3 of the 左京西部いきいき市民活動センター (Sakyou Nishibu Iki-iki Shimin Katsudou Center). http://gekken.net/SW_IKIIKI/profile.html
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/218940804872318/ 
More details here on Deep Kyoto: http://www.deepkyoto.com/?p=7328
日本語はこちら http://www.deepkyoto.com/

(Donations (except books) still being accepted)


Singing Around the Table in April 歌声4月

Thank you very much to all those who came last Saturday, including some newcomers from Kyoto and Sydney! The next Singing Around the Table will be on Saturday April 28th at 8-10pm.


Singing Around the Table 31st March 2012

The next Singing Around the Table will be on 31st March at Gnome, 8-10pm


Singing Around the Table SAT. 3rd MARCH 2012

次回の歌声喫茶は33日(土)です。歌いたい歌があったら持ってきてください。楽器できる人歓迎です。所: Gnome,Kyoto.

Hiroko's review of 28th Jan:
1月28日、Singing Around the Table に来てくれた人たち、ありがとうございました。一杯来てくれて、一杯リクエストしてくれて、楽器の演奏も入ったりと、すごく楽しかったです。とくに、「アメージンググレース」は大勢で気持ちよくハモることが出来て、楽しかったです。今回はスコットランドの国民的詩人、ロバート・バーンズの誕生日の3日あと、ということで、バーンズの詩のついた「麦畑」を日本語と原語の両方で歌ったり、スコットランドの舟歌を歌ったりできて、良かったです. スコティッシュっぽい服を着てきてくれた人、ありがとうございました。また、Gnomeのゆうこさんとたつやさんとスタッフの皆さん、ありがとうございました。次回のSinging Around the Tableを準備しています。ぜひお友達を誘って、楽器をもって、(できれば)ご参加下さい。

Review from Hiroko:
Dear Everyone

On the 28th of January we were happy to have around 25 people came to sing Scottish & other songs, and some people who played music instruments. The harmony was great! We would like to thank everyone who came to share our Singing Table.

 That day was 3 days' after Burns night, and Felicity prepared several scottish songs including ones with Burn's lyrics. Also we were happy to sing numbers in response to the requests from the participants.
 Also thank goes to Yuko san, Tatsuya san, Mr. Valentine's son, and other stuffs of Irish Pub Gnome for their kind hospitality to serve us good beer and food, as well as the place to sing.
 Thank goes to those who came with Scottish-ish clothes. Your efforts helped us feel as if we are in a Scottish-ish place. 
It is a very good experience to utter your voice loudly; it's fun, relaxing, and encouraging; and healthy! You don't have to sing well; just enjoy it.

 We are now planning the next singing around the table. We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends again.

Singing Around the Table 
(Kawano Hiroko)


Singing Around the Table SAT 28th Jan 2012

1月28日 (土) 8-10時 at Gnome,Kyoto. 今週末の土曜日、28日に歌声喫茶(Singing Around the Table)やります。
スコットランドの国民的詩人と言われるRobert Burnsの誕生日が1月25日なので、今回はBurnsにちなんで、スコットランドの歌を唄いたいと考えています。
Annie Laurie(アニーローリー)
Peggy Gordon(ペギーゴードン)
Green Grow the Rushes O (MP3)
Comin' Through the Rye(麦畑)
Loch Lomond(ロッホ・ローモンド)
Mingulay Boat Song

The next Singing Around the Table is planned to be on the Saturday 28th of January
 8-10pm at Gnome,Kyoto. That's just three days after Robert Burns' Birthday and so we plan to sing several Scottish songs: Annie Laurie, Peggy Gordon, Green Grow the Rushes, Comin' Through the Rye, Loch Lomond, Mull of Kintyre, Skye Boat Song, Mingulay Boat Song and more. Please come and wear something Scottish if you can!!! (FG)

Picture Source - Robert Burns Royal Doulton Figurine