次回の歌声喫茶は3月3日(土)です。歌いたい歌があったら持ってきてください。楽器できる人歓迎です。所: Gnome,Kyoto.
Hiroko's review of 28th Jan:
1月28日、Singing Around the Table に来てくれた人たち、ありがとうございました。一杯来てくれて、一杯リクエストしてくれて、楽器の演奏も入ったりと、すごく楽しかったです。とくに、「アメージンググレース」は大勢で気持ちよくハモることが出来て、楽しかったです。今回はスコットランドの国民的詩人、ロバート・バーンズの誕生日の3日あと、ということで、バーンズの詩のついた「麦畑」を日本語と原語の両方で歌ったり、スコットランドの舟歌を歌ったりできて、良かったです. スコティッシュっぽい服を着てきてくれた人、ありがとうございました。また、Gnomeのゆうこさんとたつやさんとスタッフの皆さん、ありがとうございました。次回のSinging Around the Tableを準備しています。ぜひお友達を誘って、楽器をもって、(できれば)ご参加下さい。
Review from Hiroko:
Dear Everyone
On the 28th of January we were happy to have around 25 people came to sing Scottish & other songs, and some people who played music instruments. The harmony was great! We would like to thank everyone who came to share our Singing Table.
That day was 3 days' after Burns night, and Felicity prepared several scottish songs including ones with Burn's lyrics. Also we were happy to sing numbers in response to the requests from the participants.
Also thank goes to Yuko san, Tatsuya san, Mr. Valentine's son, and other stuffs of Irish Pub Gnome for their kind hospitality to serve us good beer and food, as well as the place to sing.
Thank goes to those who came with Scottish-ish clothes. Your efforts helped us feel as if we are in a Scottish-ish place.
It is a very good experience to utter your voice loudly; it's fun, relaxing, and encouraging; and healthy! You don't have to sing well; just enjoy it.
We are now planning the next singing around the table. We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends again.
Singing Around the Table
(Kawano Hiroko)