
Christmas Sing 2015

Merry Musical Christmas! Put on your Christmas hat, antlers etc and come on down to...
The December Ukulele, Song & Shanty session today, 26th December, at Gnome 6-10pm: usual favorites plus Christmas songs.
6:00pm Practice & hanging out
7:00pm-10:00pm Group session
First-timers who want to learn how to play ukulele, please try to come at 6:00pm.
Anyone willing to help beginners (whilst eating and drinking) please also come at 6:00pm.
The mixed group music will start from 7:00pm.
All instruments welcome.
If you would like to introduce a song please bring 10-15 copies
Looking forward to seeing you there! Ho Ho Ho!


11月28日Singing Around the Table/Kyoto Ukulele Club/Kansai Shanty Crew

是非みなさん ご参加ください。






28 Nov. Singing Around the Table/Kyoto Ukulele Club/Kansai Shanty Crew

Our next session will be this Saturday, 28th November, at Gnome 6-10pm.

6:00pm Practice & hanging out
7:00pm-10:00pm Group session

Slight change of format:
Rather than trying to have separate times for Shanty Session, Singing Around the Table, Ukuleles etc. we thought we would try mixing up the genres/repertoires throughout the evening,  

First-timers who want to learn how to play ukulele, please try to come at 6:00pm. 
Anyone willing to help beginners (whilst eating and drinking) please also come at 6:00pm.
The mixed group music will start from 7:00pm.

All instruments welcome.
If you would like to introduce a song please bring 10-15 copies.


Eire Japan - Tour 2015 Paddy Keenan、Frankie Gavin、Junji Shirota

Eire Japan - Tour 2015 
10月にEire Japanというグループをやります。Eire Japan はPaddy Keenan、Frankie Gavin、Junji Shirota(城田純二)というアイルランド人二人と日本人一人の3人のグループです。実は彼らを十数年前にやることになっていて会場のブッキングを始めたがミュージシャンの都合でそのツアーは実現しなかった。僕にとっては二人のアイリッシュ音楽のベテラン・プレーヤーと一人の日本人が作る音楽にとても興味が有ったのでやろうと思ったのですが当時それを実際に聞く事はできなかった。あれからずいぶんと月日が流れ音楽界に戻ってきた城田から電話が有ってあの幻のツアーをなんとかやりたいという事で今回のツアーが実現した。あの当時から比べるとケルト音楽はずいぶんと知られる様になってツアーも多く行われている。でも今や国宝級のミュージシャンになったPaddy と Frankieに城田が加わって10数年ぶりに作る音楽は多分そういったものとは違う様な気がする。年を重ね試練を乗り越えてきたミュージシャン達の作る音楽に僕はすごく期待している。
トムス・キャビン代表 麻田浩


31 October Halloween Ukulele Club &c

Haunted Hula Figurine by 'Wormwood Hollow"
The next meeting of Kansai Shanty Crew/Kyoto Singing Around the Table and New Ukulele Club will be on Halloween night! at Gnome from 6pm. Fancy Dress! 次回Kansai Shanty Crew, Kyoto Singing Around the Table & New Ukulele Club歌声パブ&ウクレレクラブは、10月31日ですよー。一緒に演奏しよう!! Halloween ですのでdress up しましょう!


Hankyu Umeda British Fair 7-13 Oct 2015

Event schedule

Really lovely annual British Fair at Hankyu Department Store in Osaka Umeda. There will be songs, bagpipes, acapella choir as well as lots of pies, scones, fish and chips, ale, crafts and trinkets.


Summer break & September Club

Thank you to all who came to club 1st August. It was really fun. Here's a little video from that night! We won't meet in late August. The next one will be 26 or 27 September. Papa san will confirm the date later. Happy Summer! Stay cool!


Shanty/Singing/Ukes August 1st

Kansai Shanty Crew, Singing Around the Table & Ukulele Club
(English follows Japanese)
5:00−6:30時 シーシャンティーワークショップ(関西シャンティクルー)
6:30−7:00時 休憩
7:00−8:00時 歌声/ウクレレクラブ
8:00−8:30時 休憩
8:30−10:00時 ウクレレクラブ
それでは当日お会いしましょう!皆様何時でもどうぞ。歌を紹介したい方は10−15枚のコピーを持って来て下さい。 ウクレレをお持ちでない方はおかしする事が出来ます。
Kansai Shanty Crew, Singing Around the Table and Ukulele Club @ Gnome (Kawaramachi Nijo sagaru), Kyoto August 1st (Sat)
5-6.30pm Workshop - Sea shanties - Kansai Shanty Crew
6.30-7pm Break
7-8:00pm First session - Singing Around the Table/Ukulele Club
8:00-8:30pm Break
8:30-10pm Second session - Ukulele Club
Everyone is welcome to any or all parts of the evening. If you’d like to introduce a new song (in any language), please bring 10-15 copies to share. We have some ukuleles to lend if you don't have one.


Shanty/Singing/Ukulele Club Sat. June 27th

(English follows Japanese)
次の次は8月1日です。(NOT July 25th as previously listed).
5:00−6:30時 シーシャンティーワークショップ(関西シャンティクルー)
6:30−7:00時 休憩
7:00−8:00時 歌声/ウクレレクラブ
8:00−8:30時 休憩
8:30−10:00時 ウクレレクラブ
それでは当日お会いしましょう!皆様何時でもどうぞ。歌を紹介したい方は10−15枚のコピーを持って来て下さい。 ウクレレをお持ちでない方はおかしする事が出来ます。
Kansai Shanty Crew, Singing Around the Table and Ukulele Club @ Gnome (Kawaramachi Nijo sagaru), Kyoto June 27th (Sat) After that, the next one is August 1st (NOT July 25th as previously listed).
5-6.30pm Workshop - Sea shanties - Kansai Shanty Crew
6.30-7pm Break
7-8:00pm First session - Singing Around the Table/Ukulele Club
8:00-8:30pm Break
8:30-10pm Second session - Ukulele Club
Everyone is welcome to any or all parts of the evening. If you’d like to introduce a new song (in any language), please bring 10-15 copies to share. We have some ukuleles to lend if you don't have one.


Shanty/Singing/Ukulele Club Sat. May 30th

Kansai Shanty Crew, Singing Around the Table and Ukulele Club @ Gnome, Kyoto
5-6.30pm Workshop - Sea shanties - Kansai Shanty Crew
6.30-7pm Break 
7-8:00pm First session - Singing Around the Table/Ukulele Club
8:00-8:30pm Break 
8:30-10pm Second session - Ukulele Club
Everyone is welcome to any or all parts of the evening. If you’d like to introduce a new song (in any language), please bring 10-15 copies to share. We have some ukuleles to lend if you don't have one.
See you there! 

5:00−6:30時 シーシャンティーワークショップ(関西シャンティクルー)

6:30−7:00時 休憩
7:00−8:00時 歌声/ウクレレクラブ
8:00−8:30時 休憩
8:30−10:00時 ウクレレクラブ
それでは当日お会いしましょう!皆様何時でもどうぞ。歌を紹介したい方は10−15枚のコピーを持って来て下さい。 ウクレレをお持ちでない方はおかしする事が出来ます。


Shanty/Singing/Ukulele Club April 25th

Koi carp fly over R. Katsura celebrating  Children's/Boys' Day May 5th
Our next get-together is this coming Saturday!!!
Saturday April 25th Kansai Shanty Crew, Singing Around the Table and Ukulele Club @Gnome, Kyoto (S of Nijo-Kawaramachi)

5-6pm Workshop: Sea shanties - Kansai Shanty Crew
6-7pm Break
7-8:00pm First session: Singing Around the Table (with any instruments) Including songs for 'Kodomo no Hi' (Kids'/Boys' Day)
8:00-8:30pm Break
8:30-10pm Second session: Ukulele Club

Everyone is welcome to any or all parts of the evening. If you’d like to introduce a new song (in any language), please bring 10-15 copies to share. Plenty of ukes available for beginners to borrow!
Hope to see you there!



シーシャンティ は船乗りが働きながら歌った唄です。船乗りは異国人メンバーなのでリフレインが多く労働内容にあわせて曲もリズムも多種多様です。

Photos from "George Hodge, his Book Consisting of Difrint ports &
 ships that I have sailed in since the year 1790. Aged 13 years." 


Easter: Shanty/Singing/Ukulele Club March 28th

3月28日(土)のスケジュール@ Gnome
5:00−6:00時 シーシャンティーワークショップ(関西シャンティクルー)
6:00−7:00時 休憩:イースターエッグ色付け、その他の準備 など
7:00−8:15時 歌声:テーマ:春の花(いろいろな楽器で参加ください。)
8:15−8:45時 休憩:イースターエッグラッフル(費用100円)
8:45−10:00時 ウクレレクラブ

Saturday March 28th Kansai Shanty Crew, Singing Around the Table and Ukulele Club @Gnome

5-6pm            Workshop - Sea shanties  - Kansai Shanty Crew
6-7pm            Break - Easter Egg Painting/chatting/warming up
7-8:15pm        First session - Singing Around the Table
                       Theme: Spring Flowers (with any instruments)
8:15-8:45pm   Break - Easter Egg Raffle (Y100)
8:45-10pm      Second session - Ukulele Club

Everyone is welcome to any or all parts of the evening. If you’d like to introduce a new song (in any language), please bring 10-15 copies to share. We have a few ukuleles to lend if you don't have one.
See you there!

p.s. Easter 2015 is actually Sunday April 5th


Kansai Shanty Crew

PROPOSAL: Kansai Shanty Crew 
1st meeting: 28 March 2015 5-6pm
at Irish Pub Gnome, Kawaramachi-Nijo sagaru, Kyoto 
(Nearest Station Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae)
Admission free (please show appreciation to our host pub by buying food and drinks there)

Ahoy shipmates! Please help launch this new group by coming along and telling your friends. For details of our first meeting click here. Like us on:  Meetup   Facebook

This group is for everyone who likes singing with others. 
Sea-shanties are historical folk songs that were sung by large groups of working men on ships. 
They contain loads of historical and cultural information, and they make a truly beautiful sound. 

Sea shanties have a verse (sung by a leader) and a chorus or refrain (repeated by everyone else). This means that lots of people can sing together easily and the melodies are simple, which allows for wonderful harmony. 

We will start with sea-shanties in English. Then let's see who joins - who knows? - we may start singing in Japanese, French, Russian… Feel free to bring (about 10) copies of a sea-shanty (in any language) you would like to share.


Singing Around the Table and Ukulele Club February 28

Celebrating Japan Girls' Festival March 3rd  - 18th Century Hina Ningyo dolls
Saturday February 28th Ukulele Club and Singing Around the Table@Gnome
6-7 pm Chatting & warming up
7-8:30 pm First session
8:30-8:45 pm Break
8:45-10 pm Second session
Everyone’s welcome, with or without instruments!
If you’d like to introduce a new song (in any language), please bring about 10-15 copies to share.
See you there!

By the way, the next dates are...
Sat March 28 2015
Sat April 25 2015
Sat May 30 2015
Sat Jun 27 2015
Sat July 25 2015


Singing Around the Table & Ukulele Club Jan 24

Burns Night Scottish Song Session & Ukulele Club
Jan 24 6-10pm. 
Some people want more of the old songs. How about this plan?

6-7pm chatting/warming up time
7-8.30pm Singing celebrating Burns Night with Scottish songs. 
8.45-10pm Ukulele Club

All welcome with and without instruments
Location: Gnome Irish Pub Kawaramachi Nijo Sagaru

Honyarado 「ほんやら洞」Burned Down

Honyarado, Imadegawa Street, Kyoto 16.1.2015 (FG)
Sadly, the famous Kyoto cafe Honyarado, built in 1972 and home to a long line of political activists, folk singers, poets, photographers and other artists, burned down in the early hours of 16 January 2015. Here is my attempt at a translation of an article in the online publication "Nihonjin no Wasuremono".

The Sadness of Those Associated with Burnt-out Hub of Counter-culture
A cultural hub where folk song and poetry has been transmitted since 1970s has burned down. In the early morning of 16th Jan 2015 in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto city, Honyarado cafe, an important place at the center of the youth movement was lost. Various cultural figures involved in the shop expressed their sorrow.

Honyarado was opened in May 1972 when counter-culture was rising and the youth was protesting against the Vietnam war. Former Seika University Principal Hajime Nakao, folk singer Nobuyasu Okabayashi and Fusayoshi Kai, who were then in their 20s, built and opened the cafe (Honyarado) by themselves. Poetry readings, folk songs, exhibitions and plays, self-made movies and cultural activities were held. Many people, mainly youths, were positively involved with political and contemporary issues and took part in the movement to release Korean poets and S. Vietnamese political prisoners from jail. Since then Honyarado became symbolic of counter culture alongside Kyoto University's West Atrium (Kyodai Seibu Kodo).

Folk singer Nakagawa Goro, who has been performing since 1970s and lives in Tokyo, said, "This is not just a burned building, this is a huge loss for the culture of Kyoto and Kansai. When a short story, published in a magazine, was criticized, all those involved with the shop supported them. Honyarado was a place not for mainstream but for alternative music, culture and theater and was an interesting peoples gathering place."

Singer songwriter Ravi Nakayama, who, influenced by this shop, runs a cafe of the same name in Tokyo's Kokubunji area, remembers building the Kyoto Honyarado together with Mr Okabayashi and others and making food for the workers. "Lots of people came from Tokyo as well and felt it was a comfortable place", he said.

Prof. Shoichi Inoue of the International Japanese Cultural Research Center sadly said, "This was a place where young people could be proactive in Kyoto."  He has been going there repeatedly for the last 30 years and used the cafe as a meeting place for the 'modern customs research group's  pro-wrestling cultural research group. He feels sad for the diminishing vibe of good old Kyoto. 

Here is an update from John Einarsen 16 Oct 2015:
Photo: John Einarsen 16.10.2015
John Einarsen
It has been a while since Kyoto's cultural and literary landmark coffee house, Honyarado, burned down. It hosted countless meetings, exhibitions and poetry readings, which included such luminaries as Kenneth Rexroth, Kazuko Shiraishi, Katagiri Yuzuru, Allen Ginsberg, Allen Lau and many others. The Kyoto Connection had its beginnings here. It was run by Kyoto photographer Kai Fusayoshi. Sad to see it gone.